納米抗菌空氣淨化燈 (LED Antiseptic + Air –Circulating Light)
新型納米復合材料 New Namometer Compound Material Material
       產品特色 Feature of Product
         ․清新空氣 Cleaning the air   
         ․主動式、抗菌、抗病毒 Active, antiseptic and anti-virus
         ․降低空氣浮粒 Reducing air particles      
         ․消除室內TVOC濃度 Eliminating indoor TVOC concentration
         ․不占地面空間 No occupying floor space
       產品規格 Product Specification
         型號 model: CPC74-B01
         功率 power: 64W (LED panel light 40W + centrifugal fan 22W + UV ultraviolet light 2W)
         輸入電壓 input voltage: AC 220-240V / 90-110V
         功率因數 power factor: 0.93 (@220VAC)
         光通量 Iuminous flux: 3400Lm
         光效 Iuminous efficiency: 85Lm/W
         色溫 color rendering index: 3000K , 4000K , 5000K , 6000K
         顯色指數 color rendering index: 80      
         SMD: 2835
         工作壽命 operating life: 50000H
         工作溫度 working temperature: -10 50
         尺寸 size: 598*598*120mm
         淨重 net weight: 7900±100g
         噪音 noise: 40dB
         擴板塗層 extended coating: TTA
       結構說明   Structural Description
         ․離心式工業級風扇 Centrifugal industrial fan

抗霉菌效果測試 156H V05