APKJ600D-X10 離 子 空 氣 淨 化 機 ion Air Purifier
Designed for indoor heavy pollution

◇ High voltage ion precipitor 高電離子除塵
◇ Lifetime filter no replcement 終身免換濾網
◇ Graphene conductive film 墨烯導電膜
◇ Eliminate ozone 杜絕臭氧產生
◇ Dual screen digital display 雙向渦輪引擎

Magical material – graphene conductive film tech 神奇材料 – 石墨烯導電膜技術
◇ The flexible conductor film tech developed with graphene material has higher withstand voltage, better weather fastness and higher efficiency than traditional materials. At the same time, it has excellent charge storage performance, durable and environmentally friendly. 用石墨烯材料研制的柔性導體膜技術,比傳統材料料更具有耐受電壓高、耐侯性好、效率高、具有優異的電量存儲性能、更耐用、更環保。

No consumables 無耗材更節省
◇ Lifetime Easy to clean, no need to change the filter 清潔方便、即洗即用、無需換濾網

6 Highlights of CFD ESP  CFD離子集塵的6大特點 :
 - The conductive layer of ESP plate is covered ith a film with high dielectric strength, and after being connected with DC high voltage, a single-stage discharge is generated without ozone.
 - Adawo’s professional ion-conducting dust collecting board only requires regular cleanungcan be reused and no need to replace lifetime.  離子導電集塵板,只需定期清洗可重複使用,終身免換
 - The plate has high insulation strength, easy to clean, can be washed and has a long service life.  極板絕緣強度高,易清潔可水洗,使用時間長
 - The ESP plate has a high density, a high electric field strength and a high filtering effect. 
集塵板密度大,電場強度高, 過濾效果高
 - An aldehyde-based molecular sieve decomposes and reduces aldehydes into water and carbon dioxide.  醛基分子將醛類分解還原為水和二氧化碳
 - High-energy electric field can instantly break down bacterial proteins and prevent bacteria from breeding.  高電能電場可瞬間出擊細菌的蛋白質,杜絕細菌滋生

Product features 產品功能 :
 - Auto sleep mode 自動睡眠模式               
 - Digital display PM2.5  數碼顯示PM2.5 數值    
 - High Multiple & washable filter 水洗免換濾網
 - Nano Dust / odor / light sensor  灰塵 / 氣味 / 光感傳感器
 - APP mobile remote control  APP手機遠程控制
 - Filter replacement reminder  濾網更換提示
 - TVOC pollution level indicator  TVOC污染等級提示

Specification 產品規格 :
˙Input voltage 電壓 : AC220V/50Hz
 - Power supply功率 : 128W ±2W
 - CADR particulate淨化值 : 609m3/h
 - CADR formaldehyde甲醛值 : 319m3/h
 - Coverage area適用面積 : 43-73m2
 - Sterilization rate殺菌率 : 99.99%
 - Noise level嗓音等級 : 30-63dB(A)
 - Product size產品尺寸 : 365mm x 365mm x 690mm
 - Net weight / Gross weight淨重/毛重 : 12.5kg / 16kg
